"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."~Rumi
omaha yoga path |


Lizz Combs

Lizz Combs

Lizz came to mindfulness practices as a teen seeking relief from bipolar disorder. The practices changed her, and probably saved her life. As an adult she was drawn to be a more serious student and began studying with Meredith Busher and Margaret Hahn at Omaha Yoga School. Meredith had a special way of teaching her to find home within herself and Margaret ignited a desire to share yoga with others and encouraged her to teach.

A weird turn of events in 2009 took her to a residential yoga teacher training at the Shoshoni Yoga Retreat near Boulder, CO. Staying at the ashram helped her appreciate yoga in a way she had forgotten; it was sourced deep in the heart-mind and fully accessible through the rhythms and rituals of daily life. Lizz been teaching since then, holding space for students to explore yoga as a practice for living.

Lizz have been blessed with many incredible teachers and students who teach her something new every time they meet. What she teaches comes from the heart, hoping that what we find together during practice ,sweetens the world in which we live.  My favorite styles of asana to practice include Hatha and  Restorative yoga.