"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment."~Rumi

Yoga in Nature at Pony Creek

Yoga in Nature at Pony Creek


The teachings at Pony Creek Practice Center provides the special experience of bringing a student’s practice outside, close to the earth and connected to nature. Here among the loess hills the earth, sky, and wind become our gurus, guiding us in this ancient tradition of yoga.

The yoga center is a simple lodge perched on the hill with a wood burning stove, welcoming porch, and sun filled windows. But for most of the year classes take place in the meadow and woods around the lodge.

Traditional yoga asanas are combined with Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, Indian dance, Tibetan shamanism, as well as Native American spirituality. The result is an experience of earth-based practice steeped in ancient universal truths still relevant today.


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Offering a opportunities to practice yoga in nature during Summer 2018.

to register for Mark’s Sunday morning class click here.

    Friday        9:00 – 11:00       Ann Ealy
    Saturday        9:30 – 11:30      Elizabeth West
    Sunday       9:00 – 11:00      Mark Watson


To inquire about classes email us at theyogapath@cox.net